Friday, June 24, 2011

Emma is 3 Months Old!

I'm not sure where the past 3 months have gone! Emma has grown so much, and she can do so many wonderful things! She rolled over on accident the other night, and it surprised her as much as it did us! She is the light of our lives, and she has definitely touched many lives besides ours.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of losing dad, and it has been a very sad day for me. I look at Emma and think about all the things he would have loved about her. I think of the songs he would have sung, the faces he would have made, and the silly voices he would have created just to get a smile. He would have taught her so many things, and he would have loved every moment with her. I feel a bit robbed today I guess. Mike and I tried for so many years to have a baby--to be the parents we dreamed of being. Dad was always there to support us and listen to us cry. He was confident that we would see that dream come true, and he always believed we would have a baby girl. I think that was his dream for us.

So now my job as a mommy is a little bit bigger. It's my job to make the silly voices and faces. I will sing the Playmate song to her as many times as she wants. I will cherish every moment, and I will tell her all about her Grandpa. It won't be the same as actually knowing him, but it will have to do for now.

Happy 3 month birthday Emma Jayne! We all love you so much, and we look forward to many more exciting months and years with you as our little girl!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Emma is Growing Fast!

Our little Emma is growing so fast! I have always said that I love every stage of infant development, and that's the truth. I love to see the new things she can do every day! There are some days, though, that I miss those first weeks home. I feel like I don't remember anything because it was so new and crazy! I was exhausted and nervous and scared that the birth mom would change her mind. I know I was attached to Emma the moment she was born, but it was still so scary. Luckily, we are past that now. We continue our wonderful relationship with Emma's birth family, and she is ours.

She is quickly moving into her 3-6 month clothes--her toes stretch the limits of her 0-3 month sleepers! She can hold her head up like a pro, and she loves to "stand" on everybody's laps! Today we ran some errands, and she was so happy to see her "friend" in her mirror. It was adorable! In fact, she really had a good time with her crib mirror while playing on the floor today. I think she's finally seeing the joy of looking at herself even if she doesn't know who that adorable baby is yet! She's sucking on her hands like a maniac! Did I mention she gave herself a little bruise on her arm from sucking on it so hard! Crazy girl!

She is so happy. All the time. She smiles and makes all sorts of noises. She is an absolute joy, and I am lucky to be her mommy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Moving into June

What a lovely few weeks! The weather has been nice, though sometimes a bit warm for my taste, and Emma has been able to spend time with her Aunt Amy and her Grammy! She is sleeping through the night really well now! I feel quite spoiled! She usually goes down between 9 and 10, though tonight she was out by 8! Most days she sleeps until 6am, but she has had a few 7am mornings. I'm not sure how long she will sleep tonight. She had such fun with Grammy that she was completely exhausted! She was hungry but too tired to eat. She would fall asleep and then wake up crying before falling right back asleep. That's what fresh air will do to a baby!

She had her 2 month check-up and is growing wonderfully! She's 12 pounds 3 ounces and 22 inches long! The doctor says she looks great! She had to get 3 shots, which made her cry her first real tears. It broke my heart, but I held it together! We spent a lot of time snuggling after that!

She is focusing more on her toys as well as faces. My mom noticed today that she focuses on faces of stuffed animals too. She was completely enthralled with the face on her froggy bag. She has been sucking on her hands and arms a lot lately. In fact, she gave herself a bruise yesterday from sucking so hard on her forearm! Silly girl! She is grasping toys a bit and even pulled her teething ring to her mouth. I have a feeling we'll see her first tooth in the next month or two, but we shall see!

Mike has to go back to work in another week. I think he's dreading it. I feel bad, but I know we will still have a great summer. He gets out early enough that we can still do things in the afternoon and evening. We went to visit with Emma's daycare provider last night. She is wonderful, and I know Emma will love it there! She starts going once a week on the 14th of this month. Thankfully, my friend Kim is taking her girls the same day! She can distract me from my sadness! :)

I love to watch Emma change and grow every day. I am amazed at the things she learns and how quickly it happens! I've always spent time around children, but I've never had the chance to watch a baby every day. It is truly a miracle! I never get sick of looking at her, which is why only one room has been dusted in the past few weeks! Ah well. Dust comes back. These moments with Emma won't. It's precious while it lasts, and I want to take advantage of every moment.