Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Holiday Season = Craziness!

Life around here has sure gotten even crazier! Emma is growing like a weed, and she is ALL over the place! She crawls faster every day, which has gotten us all into some pretty big pickles! She has discovered the dog dishes (and has dumped the water on more than one occasion), the cupboards, and the tops of the tables. She pulls herself up super fast and is quick to pull things off the end table, coffee table, etc... We are learning to be faster, but she still beats us more times than we care to admit!

Her adoption was finalized on November 8th! It was such a happy day, and we had lots of friends and family there to help us celebrate! The judge was great, and we were able to get lots of pictures. They even gave us a video on CD of the hearing. That will be a wonderful way to show Emma just how much we all love her!

Emma loved her first Thanksgiving, and we loved sharing it with our family. She got her first taste of real mashed potatoes, squash, and applesauce salad. I don't think she was a huge fan of any of them, but at least she tried them!

Life is crazy, busy, and wonderful! I can't wait for Christmas and her first experience at opening presents! I'm sure she'll love the bows and wrapping paper more than the actual gift, but it will be fun for everyone!