Monday, August 22, 2011

First Danish Festival

Emma attended her first Danish Festival weekend! Despite messing up her nap schedule, she did very well. She seemed to like all the activities, and it was great to introduce her to friends and family who hadn't met her yet. Friday was so busy! We walked downtown, looking at the arts of crafts, watched the kiddie parade, and finally made it home for a bath and bedtime. She didn't sleep great that night; either it was too much sun and excitement or something else was bothering her. Saturday we watched the big parade! She hated the sirens and hot air balloon float. She screamed during the sirens and gave the "stinky-eye" to the balloons. Grammie got her calmed down, though, and she even managed to squeak in a nap! Finally we hung out with family and enjoyed a nice lunch. She was pooped out by the time we made it home, but we relaxed on Sunday!

I do enjoy the festival. It's busy and crowded, but it's another tradition I love and want to share with Emma. It's a time for family and friends, and I want her to cherish the times we have together. I know she'll be sitting on the curb next year with all her little cousins, chasing after candy! It should be fun!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Almost 5 Months!

It's been almost 5 months since we welcomed Miss Emma Jayne into our lives. I can't believe how the time has flown! I've been scrapbooking with my friend, Kim, and it's crazy to look at the pictures from when we first brought her home. We are so blessed. I know every parent treasures their child and thinks of him/her as a blessing. However, without the selfless act of our birth mom, this would never be our life now. I am reminded of this daily when I look at Emma, and I hope I never forget how God played a part in putting us together. We met some of our birth mom's extended family at a reunion a couple weeks back. It was overwhelming but wonderful to meet everyone! They loved seeing Emma!

Emma is sitting up pretty well, though not completely straight. She wants to do it so badly, and she gets frustrated with laying down. She is rolling all over the place and is quickly learning that it's a very effective form of transportation! I swear you look at her one minute and the next she's halfway across the room! Tomorrow we are doing some more baby-proofing! She's trying to hold her bottle on her own and can do a pretty good job of that too. I don't think she's going to be a "watcher." She's going to be a "doer." I love that about her, but it scares me a bit too!

Emma is taking more of an interest in the dogs, much to their dismay, and she actively tries to get their ears and tails. They really aren't sure what to make of this, but it doesn't keep Eddie from laying next to her on occasion.

This is our last full week of "freedom." I go to my room to work most of next week, then I have to report the following week. School starts the week after that. I am dreading it, but I know it's going to come whether I like it or not! I guess it'll take some getting used to, but we'll manage somehow! Say a little prayer for us!