Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Business!

So much is going on these days! With a busy toddler on my hands, clearly I don't find time to blog like I want to anymore! Words can't express how much I love this little girl and how blessed I feel to have her in my life. I can't believe all the things she is able to do, and I am shocked that she's 2 years old now! She is full of sassiness, which makes many days quite interesting. She's exerting her independence and finding her voice. This is exciting to see and a bit frustrating to deal with! One thing that continues to amaze me is how much I worry! I don't just worry about her being safe and healthy; I worry about her learning to be a good person. She recently had to go to Mike's cousin's house because our daycare provider had to take some time off. It made my heart so happy to hear that she was polite and played nicely while there. She shared her lunch and only threw one little fit. I don't expect her to be perfect, of course, but it was still nice to hear!

This coming weekend is going to be a busy and emotional one. Emma's birth mom is getting married. I am her Matron of Honor. I have to give a toast at the reception, and this is causing a bit of anxiety. I've only known her for 2 short years, yet I feel like what we've been through together has made it seem like a lifetime. I am so proud of her! I hope that I can put into words how special our relationship is to me, and how excited I am to watch her continue to build the life she deserves. 

Emma is a happy, healthy, spunky, funny, sweet, and loving 2 year old. She has so many people who love her. What could be better than that?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Fun!

So, Emma's 19 months old now. She went for her 18 month check-up this week, and she's right on track with everything! The doctor asked lots of questions about her development, and I think she's just about perfect. I may be a bit biased though! She's such a funny bug, and I love seeing all the new things she can do! Though I've spent a lot of time with kids, it's definitely a new experience to see her changing right in front of our eyes! It's amazing to see her learning new things so quickly. She is playing pretend a lot more lately: feeding her baby, wrapping her up in a blanket, making "food" and feeding it to us, etc... She babbles constantly, but she also has a TON of words that she says. The doctor asked how many, and I couldn't even come up with a number. I really need to write them down! She has started saying, "Mony, mony, ed!" She says 'mony' for 'monkey.' I finally realized she was trying to say party of the "5 Little Monkeys" chant that we do ALL the time! The 'ed' part was for 'bed.' Crazy! Of course, last week she decided to try out for the part of one of the monkeys. She climbed up on the bed, started jumping, fell off, and yes...bumped her head. She's fine. A few tears, but nothing too major.

Today she opened up our tall pantry cabinet, stood behind the door, and tried to pull it closed. She did this a week or so ago and came out when Mike came inside. She wanted to scare him! Today, he was at work. However, she hid and said, "Dada, are you?" I'm pretty sure she was asking where he was. She did it to Eddie our dog too! She saw Peanut but not Eddie. She called out, "Eddie, are you?" It was just about the sweetest thing ever!

She's growing up so fast, which is fun and hard at the same time. I want to freeze time, but I know I can't. I try to soak it all up, but sometimes life gets in the way of that too. I guess we just have to do the best we can, and when she says, "Mama! Are you?!" I'll be right there to say, "Here I am!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eighteen Months? Really?

So, Emma is going to be 18 months old tomorrow. Seriously? Already? I'm not sure where the time goes. Some days, like today, the day goes so fast! One minute she's playing at Grammy's house, dancing to music, bugging Liam, laughing at the silliest things, kissing her "owie" that was gone a month ago, and trying to do somersaults in the middle of the floor. The next minute, I'm saying her nighttime prayer, giving her a hug and kiss, and putting her to bed. Other days, the time goes so slow! This mostly happens Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30am and 4:30pm. Sure, I stay busy with my school kiddos, but I really just can't wait until I can be with that silly little girl again! She has made our lives amazing these last 18 months, and I can't imagine life without her!

I think I could fill pages and pages of all the new things this girl can do (or thinks she can do)! Here's just a couple cute Emma stories:

  • One night, she was awake at 3am, crying, wanting out of bed. Though I know I'm quick to oblige, I was trying to help her learn to put herself back to sleep. Pretty soon, she was pounding on the door and jiggling the door handle. She wasn't out of bed. Her crib is just right by the door, and she can reach through the slats on her bed. Anyway, for the first time ever she cries out, "Mama! Mama!" My heart was breaking, but I continued to wait it out. Pretty soon I hear, "Eddie! Eddie!" Apparently, she thought the dog would spring her from her confinement. Hah! She went back to soon shortly after, but not before making me tear up from sadness and laughter at the same time!
  • Today at Grammy's, she was hanging out with her cousin Liam. He was playing with a toy, and like most toddlers, she decided she had to have it. She snatched it out of his hand and then looked up at Grammy. Grammy didn't say anything or make a face, but Emma turned, looked at Liam, and said, "Thank you!" 

She is such a little parrot now too! She repeats everything and is soaking things up like a sponge. I've read how much that happens around this age, but it's amazing to see it happening! I worry again this year about how much I'm missing when I'm not around her. I remember feeling this way when school was in session last year. I know it will be ok, but it still makes me sad. She's picked up the motions to "Wheels on the Bus" and "Five Little Monkeys" as well as the sounds for a cat, dog, duck, boat, car, bear, and owl. She doesn't always say them for everyone, but she does once she's comfortable! She walked by my friend Kim's classroom the other day and saw her owls on the bulletin board. She immediately said, "Hoooo!" I had no idea she even knew what an owl was! Apparently at mom's today she was pointing at a sign in her kitchen and saying random letter names. Not the letters on the sign, but letter names nonetheless! It's awesome to see, but sad to miss when it happens. 

She's growing up so fast! Tomorrow is grocery day, and I have to finish up laundry and cleaning. I'm sure Emma will help me with that! Hah! She's actually pretty good at helping with laundry, but I can't get her to stop putting various pieces of clothing on her head! Too funny! 

Emma loves the tent she got from Uncle Chris and Aunt Nicole! She tries to pull other toys inside, so she can play. She takes her babies in there, along with her little kitchen. She makes food and then tries to feed it to everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday (A couple hours early)

I just read my cousin's blog, and I was moved to catch up with all that I'm thankful for. Her newborn baby passed away a couple hours after birth, and my heart just aches for her. She is incredibly strong, and I admire her immense faith and love for God. As school starts, I start to stress about schedules, lesson plans, student concerns, new curriculum, and scary evaluations of my effectiveness as a teacher. Though I don't get a formal evaluation as a mother and wife, I am always ranking myself in my mind among my friends and family. I often wonder, "Do I measure up?" "Am I doing my very best, really?" "Have I shown Emma and Mike how much they mean to me?" "Am I feeding them well enough? Are their clothes clean? Is the bathroom clean?" It becomes almost too much to bear. Then I realize that while my story is just that, mine, another person's story can put a lot into perspective.

I am thankful for my God. Though I'm not very vocal with my faith, I know that God has brought me through many difficult times. Without him, I'm not sure I'd get out of bed some days!

I am thankful for Emma's giggles and even her tears. Hearing both are precious sounds, and I am blessed to have her in my life.

I am thankful for a supportive and loving husband. Though he doesn't always understand the stress of being a teacher (and wife, and mother), he steps it up every year and tries to make my many hats easier to wear. (For example, he made dinner last night and even bought me a container of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food--my favorite ice cream ever!)

I love my family and am thankful for them all the time. We have our ups and downs; this year may prove to be trying in many ways, but we stick together and support each other!

This is us right before heading to a wedding reception. She was acting so funny and could hardly sit still for the picture! This is our Emma Jayne in a nutshell! We love her a bushel and a peck!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that Emma was fever-free as of 3:00am. Hopefully this is still true.

I am thankful that we had a wonderful summer to remember as we get started with the school year!

I give thanks for the sound of Emma's voice and hand on the doorknob (she can reach through her crib rails and jiggle the door handle) as I type this post. 

Though I have many more things to be thankful for, these are the ones at the forefront of my mind this morning. I'm off to start the day!