Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Business!

So much is going on these days! With a busy toddler on my hands, clearly I don't find time to blog like I want to anymore! Words can't express how much I love this little girl and how blessed I feel to have her in my life. I can't believe all the things she is able to do, and I am shocked that she's 2 years old now! She is full of sassiness, which makes many days quite interesting. She's exerting her independence and finding her voice. This is exciting to see and a bit frustrating to deal with! One thing that continues to amaze me is how much I worry! I don't just worry about her being safe and healthy; I worry about her learning to be a good person. She recently had to go to Mike's cousin's house because our daycare provider had to take some time off. It made my heart so happy to hear that she was polite and played nicely while there. She shared her lunch and only threw one little fit. I don't expect her to be perfect, of course, but it was still nice to hear!

This coming weekend is going to be a busy and emotional one. Emma's birth mom is getting married. I am her Matron of Honor. I have to give a toast at the reception, and this is causing a bit of anxiety. I've only known her for 2 short years, yet I feel like what we've been through together has made it seem like a lifetime. I am so proud of her! I hope that I can put into words how special our relationship is to me, and how excited I am to watch her continue to build the life she deserves. 

Emma is a happy, healthy, spunky, funny, sweet, and loving 2 year old. She has so many people who love her. What could be better than that?