Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eighteen Months? Really?

So, Emma is going to be 18 months old tomorrow. Seriously? Already? I'm not sure where the time goes. Some days, like today, the day goes so fast! One minute she's playing at Grammy's house, dancing to music, bugging Liam, laughing at the silliest things, kissing her "owie" that was gone a month ago, and trying to do somersaults in the middle of the floor. The next minute, I'm saying her nighttime prayer, giving her a hug and kiss, and putting her to bed. Other days, the time goes so slow! This mostly happens Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30am and 4:30pm. Sure, I stay busy with my school kiddos, but I really just can't wait until I can be with that silly little girl again! She has made our lives amazing these last 18 months, and I can't imagine life without her!

I think I could fill pages and pages of all the new things this girl can do (or thinks she can do)! Here's just a couple cute Emma stories:

  • One night, she was awake at 3am, crying, wanting out of bed. Though I know I'm quick to oblige, I was trying to help her learn to put herself back to sleep. Pretty soon, she was pounding on the door and jiggling the door handle. She wasn't out of bed. Her crib is just right by the door, and she can reach through the slats on her bed. Anyway, for the first time ever she cries out, "Mama! Mama!" My heart was breaking, but I continued to wait it out. Pretty soon I hear, "Eddie! Eddie!" Apparently, she thought the dog would spring her from her confinement. Hah! She went back to soon shortly after, but not before making me tear up from sadness and laughter at the same time!
  • Today at Grammy's, she was hanging out with her cousin Liam. He was playing with a toy, and like most toddlers, she decided she had to have it. She snatched it out of his hand and then looked up at Grammy. Grammy didn't say anything or make a face, but Emma turned, looked at Liam, and said, "Thank you!" 

She is such a little parrot now too! She repeats everything and is soaking things up like a sponge. I've read how much that happens around this age, but it's amazing to see it happening! I worry again this year about how much I'm missing when I'm not around her. I remember feeling this way when school was in session last year. I know it will be ok, but it still makes me sad. She's picked up the motions to "Wheels on the Bus" and "Five Little Monkeys" as well as the sounds for a cat, dog, duck, boat, car, bear, and owl. She doesn't always say them for everyone, but she does once she's comfortable! She walked by my friend Kim's classroom the other day and saw her owls on the bulletin board. She immediately said, "Hoooo!" I had no idea she even knew what an owl was! Apparently at mom's today she was pointing at a sign in her kitchen and saying random letter names. Not the letters on the sign, but letter names nonetheless! It's awesome to see, but sad to miss when it happens. 

She's growing up so fast! Tomorrow is grocery day, and I have to finish up laundry and cleaning. I'm sure Emma will help me with that! Hah! She's actually pretty good at helping with laundry, but I can't get her to stop putting various pieces of clothing on her head! Too funny! 

Emma loves the tent she got from Uncle Chris and Aunt Nicole! She tries to pull other toys inside, so she can play. She takes her babies in there, along with her little kitchen. She makes food and then tries to feed it to everyone!

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