Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Emma is Four Months Old!

I know it's been a while since I posted anything. July is such a busy month for us with family vacations and such. We had a wonderful time in Alpena! Emma did great, and we got tons of adorable pictures. My sister-in-law, Katie, took some family pics. I don't know how I'm going to choose which ones to put on the wall! They all turned out beautifully! Mike didn't get to go to Robinson Lake this year, but Emma and I went anyway. It was a nice week--extremely hot--but it just wasn't the same without Mike. He came up at the end of the week, and we were both happy to see him!

We found out a few things about Emma during vacation:
1. She rides pretty well in the car.
2. She gets tired of sleeping in her pack and play by the 2nd week.
3. She loves spending time with family!
4. She's going to be a complete and total water baby! Swimming lessons may be in her near future!

Emma had her 4 month check-up this week too! She weights 15 pounds 14 ounces (the 90th percentile)! What a chunk! She's only 24 inches long, which puts her in the 50th percentile for height. She's healthy and happy and meeting her milestones! She got 2 shots and was done crying by the time we left the room. She was so good, and she enjoyed a nice long nap when we got home.

We were given the ok to start trying foods, so she's getting more rice cereal and green beans this week. I think she's starting to like them!

The countdown to going back to work has started. I'm trying to prepare myself, but I know it's going to be horribly difficult. She loves her daycare, which helps, but I still am going to miss our time together. I'll probably start wishing for snow days the first week of school!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Mattox's first food was green beans too. Then carrots. He LIKES carrots. :) Love it! Yes, you'll want snow days, but you're a good teacher too, and somehow you'll be able to focus on your students too. They need you. I didn't think I could mother 2 and it happens.
