Thursday, March 10, 2011

Emotional Times

Some days I think I'm going to get sick from all these rollercoaster rides! We heard from our caseworker this week that the birth father refused to sign off his parental rights. He was apparently a very different person than when they first started seeing him. The birth parent counselor was very honest with him, saying that lots of stuff would be brought up in court that would shed a negative light on him. He just didn't want to hear it. He even admitted that he was doing all this mostly for himself, not the baby. How selfish! We are being very proactive, however, and are gathering information for the lawyer that Bethany hired for us. He will represent us at all hearings and will be able to get the judge's ear. We are saying our prayers that all will go fine and that we will be able to keep Baby Emma in our home forever.

On a positive note, again on the rollercoaster ride, I am going to another ultrasound with our birth mom today! I can't wait to see our little girl's face, and I hope she is more cooperative than last time! We will also meet with the doctor and find out how the birth mom is progressing toward her due date. So many exciting and emotional times that are all part of Emma's story!

1 comment:

  1. Corinne, breaking my no blog rule for you (but just you!) praying God's peace for you and that his merciful hand will be at work in this situation (and that you'll soon be holding YOUR daughter!)
