Thursday, April 7, 2011

Settling into a Routine

Well, I think we're getting into somewhat of a routine. Emma is doing very well, eating about every 3-4 hours. She mostly only cries when she's hungry and rarely fusses, but she has been a bit fussy the past day or so. We've been experimenting with different bottles because we felt that the ones we started her on were causing her to take on too much air. I have no idea. I find it a bit frustrating, but at least she's doing well with the formula! We are learning more about her every day, and I hope that she is getting to know us as well. Emma loves to have people sing to her, so I do that a lot! Sometimes she just screams above me, but I think she can still hear me!

We found out yesterday that the birth father changed his mind and signed off on his parental rights. We are so thankful! This means we won't need a lawyer at the hearing on the 26th, and the process should go a lot smoother now that he is being cooperative. He wants to see her, but we are waiting until the hearing is finished. We're still a bit nervous, but we are hopeful that the relationships we have built with the birth mom and her family will continue to strengthen. We have seen her twice since we have been home, which is a bit scary, but we pray that seeing her with us will only confirm that this was the right decision. My hope is that we will be a positive influence for her, that we might be able to have an impact on more than one life through this process. She's a great girl, full of promise. She deserves great things out of life, and I want to make sure she hears that from everyone, including us.

Emma and I went for a walk today with my mother-in-law. It was such a beautiful day with the sun shining, but it was still a bit chilly. We bundled Emma up and were on our way. She loved it, but she got a bit ticked when she got too warm! Apparently a onesie, fleece pants and jacket, hat, and two blankets were a bit much for her! Hah! She was much happier once we unwrapped her a bit!

I look forward to every day with our Emma Jayne. We are so blessed, and I can't wait to see what the future brings!


  1. What an amazing life god has placed in your hands to help guide. You and Mike are such special people and I know will be amazing role models for Emma as she grows and matures. Love you so much Sibley house!

  2. Thanks for the update! I so wish I could have seen that precious little muffin a last week! :) Love you all.

  3. Yea for blogs! I favorited yours so I could check in every now and then! Emma is so very sweet and we are so happy for you and Mike. BTW: You should receive the package in the mail today! You're right (previous blog), now that you're a mommy other things you used to worry about will subside and NEW worries will be replaced. Ha ha! I think I'm an even better teacher after being a mom than before though, despite having LESS time to dedicate to my students. Love to you!
